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Reckless Indulgence on BL

The Booklikes companion and bookcase of Reckless Indulgence | of the Written Word.


Currently reading

Travels with Penny: True Tales of a Gay Guy and His Mother
David Alan Morrison
달콤한 피 2
Seyoung Kim, 김세영
Arena, Chapter 2
Lehanan Aida
Ashamet, Desert Born
Terry Jackman
Looking for Potholes: Poems
Joe Wenke
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard
Lukos Heat
Megan Derr
The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks
Sam Maggs
The Dangers of Fairy Compacts
Katey Hawthorne
The Library at Mount Char
Scott Hawkins

Prince of Blood

Prince of Blood - Temple Madison DNF -- UPDATED ALREADY:

This is bad. I want to pluck my eyeballs out and boil them in hot water.

From the description alone it sounds ridiculous.

And makes no sense.


Anni Moon & The Elemental Artifact

Anni Moon & The Elemental Artifact - Hisham Abed, Melanie Abed This was a surprisingly fun read for me! It's been awhile since I've read middle grade books, and this one definitely brought back fond memories. The characters were memorable and the storytelling superb! Anni will definitely be having more adventures, and the potential for engaging and exciting sequels is definitely there. I can't wait to see what's in store for her in the future. :3

Myth and Magic: Queer Fairy Tales

Myth and Magic: Queer Fairy Tales - Radclyffe, Stacia Seaman Pretty good considering. Any time I get to read an anthology or collection where half to 3/4 of the compiled stories I like is a sheer miracle! This one fits the bill so 4 stars! A fun and delightful weekend read! :3

Twin Flames (Sumeria's Sons, #1

Twin Flames (Sumeria's Sons, #1 - Lexi Ander Gave Twin Flames a rating of 4.5 Stars on my blog.

Originally read this book last year for the first time, but ended up re-reading it again on Jan 2-3, 2015 because I got my hands on the second book in the series and needed a refresher. And... since it is still technically a read for the year, I'm also letting it count in my tally for a couple different 2015 reading challenges I'm participating in.

You can find my original review for it on my blog:
Reckless Indulgence | of the Written Word

Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale

Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale - Marina Warner Actual rating was more around 2.5

Kamen Volume 1

Kamen Volume 1 - Gunya Mihara The fuck did I read?

Also HOW exactly is this supposed to be taking place in ancient Japan? Even a fictional one?

Etta and Otto and Russell and James: A Novel

Etta and Otto and Russell and James: A Novel - Emma Hooper Received my ARC from NetGalley

The skill and artistry of the author in constructing and crafting this book is phenomenal! I couldn't put it past me how exquisitely written this book was. Every little thing tied together; crafted these living, BREATHING characters with their dry, dusty world... all the while stringing the reader along through their incredible lives – their joy, their sorrow, their hurt, their triumphs. I could not put this book down, and I know I lost a LOT of sleep over it. I'm quite sure anyone else reading it would too...

Highly recommended! Everyone should read Etta and Otto and Russell and James at least once in their lives! Multiple times would be preferred. ;)

Manga Classics: Les Miserables Softcover

Manga Classics: Les Miserables Softcover - Victor Hugo This review can be found in its entirety on my blog:
Reckless Indulgence | of the Written Word

Actual rating was 2.5 because there were parts of it that I liked, but for the most part it was just "ok" for me.


Revelations - astolat One of my favorite Loki/Thor fanfictions of all time!

A Tale of Two Mommies

A Tale of Two Mommies - Vanita Oelschlager, Mike Blanc Actually 2.5

Eye to Eye: A Book of Body Part Idioms and Silly Pictures

Eye to Eye: A Book of Body Part Idioms and Silly Pictures - Vanita Oelschlager Thanking NetGalley for my copy!

I really enjoyed this book and could easily see it in a classroom or in the hands of a young reader, helping to broaden their language and learning skills. This book focused on the concept of idioms, which is one of the hardest things to pick up when learning a new language. Many may not know, but there are hundreds and thousands of idioms in EVERY language. (To my knowledge over nearly 25,000 idioms in the English language alone!) That's a lot of slang to pick up, especially when you haven't even gotten the hang of proper grammar and sentence structure yet! Eye to Eye starts introducing some basic idioms to readers early on so they can start "reading between the lines" and picking up hints from the slang of the every day.

The only downside to this book was how small the explanation text was at the bottoms of each page. It seemed a bit jarring to me, and would have worked better if it had been incorporated into the image or perhaps typeset in a different font.

Otherwise, a great read! Definitely recommending this book for the classroom (for young children and educators, alike), the library, and the home. Great educational learning tool with fun, whimsical pictures to boot! I'm impressed.


Prosperity (A Prosperity Novel)

Prosperity (A Prosperity Novel) - Alexis Hall This review can also be found on my blog:
Reckless Indulgence | of the Written Word

This was better than I could have imagined! I loved the consistent, snarky voice of characters, the diversity of the cast, the setting and world-building... ASDFGHJKL:LKJHGFDS I have only praise for this book. It goes right up there as one of my favorite books of the year!

I literally had moments of actual laughing out loud and scaring people around me. I'm not even joking here.

This novel is abso-friggin-lutely the best thing ever and you HAVE to read it if you're into:
• Skyships!
• Victorian-esque inspired alternative worlds!
• Ridiculously hot and snarky as ALL hell antihero!
• Did I forget to mention THE COVER ART?!?!? *PTERODACTYL SCREECHES BECAUSE HOMGGGG* I took one look at that cover and knew I wanted an ARC of this book and I WOULD HAVE IT IF IT WAS THE LAST THING I DID
• THE INSANELY IN CHARACTER, IN-VOICE NARRATION – which I know, for some people can be a problem. And truthfully, if the author doesn't know what they're doing accents can sound like complete nonsense or just come out wonky—EXCEPT THAT'S NOT THE CASE HERE. ALEXIS HALL RULES!!


• The style of storytelling, which I very much choose to read as a series of scenes that all worked together to create the bigger whole.
• Distinct voices of ALL the characters (not just the main one)
• Lush, fully developed characters that I could BELIEVE. WHOLLY.
• The name PICCADILLY. Because, honestly, how can you not love someone with a name like that?

I recently got an ARC for [b:Liberty and Other Stories|23484054|Liberty and Other Stories (Prosperity, #2-4, 6)|Alexis Hall|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1414768619s/23484054.jpg|43074892] which combines Books 2-4 and 6 together in a single volume. I cannot wait to see what shenanigans the characters will get up to in these stories to come… >)

A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality

A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality - Joseph Nicolosi You have GOT to be kidding me... How was this even published?


I think this is hilarious, and I'm not even a fan of the series, ah!

Reblogged from Susana "Lost in Fantasy Land":




Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/279293614366335240