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The Memory of Blood and Lotuses

The Memory of Blood and Lotuses - E.E. Ottoman This review can also be found on my blog:
Reckless Indulgence | of the Written Word

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4/4.5 of 5 Stars

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“I wish to bed you.”
[…]’s head snapped up. “What?”
Neferhotep arched on eyebrow. “I said I wished to bed you, if you are willing. […] Your scent is a very alluring one, and it occurred to me that bedding you would be a pleasant distraction. […] I know my appearance is not attractive for you, but I would not harm you, and I can be generous when it comes to bedroom games.”
“You are very strange.”
“Why? You have given me no reason to think you mean me harm, you smell nice, you are reasonably attractive. I thought we could play a little. What is strange about that?”

Pffft–! Neferhotep…. oh, you precious, precious baby. xD I am utterly in love with you and your straightforward nature. Honestly. The things that come out of your mouth. <3 You are truly my hero of this book.<br/>

I really REALLY enjoyed this story. Was hoping it would be different and — it definitely was. Egyptian vampires, huh? Fascinating. XD I have already always had a thing for Egyptian mythos and religion, so I was really intrigued by this idea of a “shroud eater” and how that would be used in the story. I knew a little bit about them – they’re German in origin, and generally cause bad luck, sickness and eventual death to their loved ones as they chew on their burial garments – but I wondered how the author was going to fit this myth into zier story. One source claims:

The nachzehrer, also known as a “shroud eater” in English, is a type of vampire which doesn’t rise from its resting place, but rather lies in its tomb — chewing through its burial garments. As the nachzehrer eats its way through the shroud, the deceased’s family members, neighbors and friends fall ill and die. According to some accounts, one can sometimes hear the nachzehrer noisily chewing like a pig, and after it has finished with the shroud it may move on to chewing on its own flesh or that of other corpses in its vicinity. Some also claim that when the ghoul has gained sufficient sustenance in this manner it can then rise from the grave as a true vampire.

You’ll have to read to find out which route the author went with in zier story. >) Sorrynotsorry


I was also… pleasantly surprised and not expecting to have actual deity visitations in this piece, but their appearance (because there was more than one hur hur~) only went to make it a thousand times better. Not to mention, one of them being among my FAVORITE EGYPTIAN GODS AT THAT! :3

The only thing that sort of drove me crazy was that ending. It was… ughh… precarious, a bit unfulfilling because it left the details entirely up to the reader and this was one instance where I didn’t want that. I wanted to know what was about to go down between the two gods confronting each other in the desert, how Neferhotep’s offer was going to work, y’know… with him still being a bloodthirsty vampire ‘n all. I wanted to… ugh… I wanted MORE, but I’m still satisfied with what I got.

Any warnings you wish to make for your readers?
Not really, although I’ll say this only because I know there are some people out there who do not like nor want to read about this particular topic in their books, so here it is:

There is incest in this book (between brothers and also mentioned in several instances between brothers-sisters). If you know anything about Egyptian royalty, you should know that that is the how they did things for hundreds of thousands of years. It’s not graphic throughout the book, but it is mentioned and mild scenes of it do happen. It is also consensual and not abusive, from what I read. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Does it count towards any reading challenges?
-2015 Monthly Motifs & Keyword Reading Challenge (I’m skipping around with this one)
--Motif: (JUN) Take A Trip! = Egypt
--Keyword: (DEC) Flower = Lotuses
-2015 GoodReads Reading Challenge
-2015 LGBT Challenge
-You Read How Many Books?
-52 Books in 52 Weeks
-Read A Million Pages
-Readathon Day (2015)
-105 Reading Challenge

Would you recommend this book?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes– oh. Did I mention, YES?!
